Septic System Repair Services

Septic Tank and Septic System Repair

Septic Repair Specialists

Our professional septic technicians can make repairs to your septic tank and entire septic system. Our technicians will first determine the overall integrity of your system and give you a detailed breakdown of what they found. Our annual septic maintenance service will ensure your septic tanks overall health. In the case of a septic emergency, you can count on Suburban Septic to be available for immediate repair.

Randomly flooded lawns and sewer odors coming from your property are indicators that an underground septic line may be clogged or damaged. It isn’t pleasant to have these sewer odors carrying over your property and even inside your home, so we understand an urgency when it comes to repairing broken septic systems. Suburban Septic can re-fabricate leach fields, replace any and all boxes and associated pumps, and of course repair a septic tank itself. 

Our septic system repair specialists work quickly and efficiently to solve your septic problems and make your home safe again. This is why home owners and business owners keep putting their faith in Suburban Septic.

Whether you are experiencing a major issue with your septic system or just want to make sure everything is in working order before you buy or sell a home, turn to Suburban Septic Pumping Services. Our entire team is proud to serve residential and commercial properties in all septic communities throughout Chicagoland.

Call Suburban Septic today to schedule your next septic tank repair or service. We can be reached at 708-480-2073 or you can reach us by form below.

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